2023-06-27 15:24:49 来源:食品伙伴网
据了解,这种内切-1,4-β-木聚糖酶由Komagataella phaffii ATCC PTA-127053生产的。经过评估,专家小组认为该添加剂在建议的最低水平下,有可能有效提高所有家禽的消化率。部分原文报道如下:
Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the efficacy of endo-1,4-beta-xylanase produced by Komagataella phaffii ATCC PTA-127053 (Xygest™HT) as a zootechnical feed additive (functional group: digestibility enhancers) for all poultry. In a previous opinion, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that Xygest™HT is safe for all poultry, consumers, and the environment. The additive is not considered to be irritant to eyes and skin but a dermal and a respiratory sensitiser, although exposure by inhalation is unlikely. The Panel also concluded that the additive has the potential to be efficacious in laying hens at 45,000 U/kg complete feed and this conclusion was extrapolated to all laying poultry. However, the Panel could not conclude on the efficacy of the product in growing poultry at the proposed conditions of use. In the current application, the applicant provided an additional efficacy trial in chickens for fattening. The results showed a higher apparent metabolisable energy (nitrogen corrected) in chickens fed the additive at the minimum proposed level of 30,000 U/kg complete feed when compared to the control group. Considering the previously submitted studies in laying hens and chickens for fattening, and the newly submitted study in chickens for fattening, the Panel concluded that Xygest™HT has the potential to be efficacious to enhance digestibility in all poultry at the corresponding proposed minimum levels in feed.
上一篇:今日热讯:香港食安中心:南非姆普马兰加省Victor Khanye Local Municipality禽肉及禽类产品暂停进口